Friday 18 January 2013

New Regime

For the last 2 weeks I have been trying out a new regime in relation to my skin.  As posted before I started reading a new book 'Your Body's Many Cries for Water' by F. Batmanghelidj.  So far it is an easy read stating that most of the diseases or conditions that occur in the body arise because the body is dehydrated.  It mentions many conditions but so far no mention of eczema, but I feel that I can relate it to my condition.  I was aware before I started reading this book I didnt drink enough of anything! so I set an alarm on my phone to remind me to drink which worked for a while but I visited the toilet a lot!! So I slowed down, the book stated that the kidneys need to flush out any toxins which I have always known, but it then made sense.  I believe my body is fighting something so the toxins need to rid of my body so the water is essential!! My skin is a reflection of what is going on inside. As I need encouragement I downloaded an App onto my phone called 'Water Intake' from the Play store and you set you maximum limit of water intake for the day and then you enter the amount when you drink.  I have a bottle with measurements so it is easy for me.  So far so good.  I'm drinking between 1.5 - 2 litres of water a day!
I hear you say so what about your skin! well I cannot see any difference at the moment but I am giving it time.  I still wake up dry in the mornings but I very dehydrated so I will give it time for my body to replenish itself.

Secondly, I have been playing around with the idea of trying to eat more raw vegan  food.  Which sounds great to me but I have come to the conclusion that it will be a lot difficult that it looks to get started.  At the present moment I am researching the subject matter, watching lots of You tube videos and joining newsletters and blogs to gain the information. 
At present I am not eating any meat red or white, which has been very easy and I am enjoying it! but I have had fish twice and eating lots of salads with each meal.  I'm doing this to clean up my diet and get my digestive system doing what it is meant to do.  So I am literally starting from inside out.

So this is my new regime, only time will tell! I'm off to the hospital for my dermatology appointment next week.  I wonder what they are going to suggest because since I last saw them my skin has got worse but no more drugs that is all I am going to say.  I feel a lot better within myself since I have started this regime, I think  if you feel better within it will definitely show on the outside.

p.s. my infection from last week cleared up the next day but the Dr still wanted to put my on an oral antibiotics to be on the safe side I just wanted a antibiotic cream hmm!! must be more firm with my wishes next time.  I feel others think my skin looks worse than it is because they haven't seen it before, but as I am used to  it I know when something is really bad from good.

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