Sunday 1 June 2014

How to Keep Your Poop Where it Belongs

How to Keep Your Poop Where it Belongs

Have you ever considered that our guts could be the problem to our skin condition. Read the link and see what you think ???

Tuesday 14 May 2013


Its been a long time since I uploaded here but been distracted! Whilst being distracted my skin has worsen but funny enough I'm not too bothered. But people stopping me in the streets to give me their advice on what to use has started again. I don't mind so much as they are trying to help but its always the same information I heard or tried before so it becomes repetitive. Ohh well!

You may ask why you have become distracted and the answer is pregnancy!  Though this great news for me my skin doesn't like me being pregnant, but so far not to bad compared to my last pregnancy. By the end of my last one I think I looked like a zombi and it took about 2 years for me to retain my normal colouring.

I haven't kept up with my juicing or meat free diet, just due to the fact I was very ill with morning sickness. But recently visited a herbalist who said the reason why for me taking flax seed oil etc may not worked for me in the past, could be my body cannot break it down. Which is making sense to me, so was advised to try and take gla tablets google it! It breaks omega 3 & 6 for you. Its something to look into! Until next time keep smiling.

Thursday 21 February 2013

How To Make A Green Smoothie Tasty Every Time

101 uses of coconut oil

Being B*B*J*B: 101 uses of coconut oil: I am sure you can use more than one of these: Uses for Coconut Oil In cooking as a great oil with a high smoke point. Great for baking...

This could be of use to use with eczemic skin!

Shea butter

I make my own whipped Shea butter  mixed with my favourite oils, as a moisturiser for my skin its so good and all natural!!


This is the kind of juicing I have been doing. This here is carrots, kale, celery and spinach. It actually taste good-give it a try!! :-)